Hi! I’m Danielle Damianov- Wife, Mom of Sofia and Stefano and our Goldendoodle Coco, Visionary, Dreamer, World Traveler, Multi-Business Owner and have been self-employed my entire adult life. I was born a hustler and grew up in the Restaurant world. My parents owned a large catering company and many restaurants growing up so hard work has always been instilled in me. I graduated from Bentley University in 2001 with my B.S. in Business Management and had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. On a whim I moved from Boston to Tampa by myself and landed a job as a Mortgage Broker. I have been in the Real Estate and Mortgage Industry since 2001 and that is the only world I have ever known since college.

From 2001 until 2008 I made a killing and owned a large Real Estate and Mortgage Company. When the Real Estate bubble burst in 2008 it left me, my husband and my two little babies flat broke. We went from crushing it in our industry and making a ton of money living the high life to closing our companies, no sales, no money and starting over. I have spent the past 12 years rebuilding my business and my life. This time I decided to build my businesses my way- by designing my business so that I can live a life by design and not by default. I am strategic and intentional about everything I do when it came to building back up my Real Estate Business and now my mortgage business. Currently I am a Real Estate Investor and Mortgage Sales Manager running a mortgage team. My passion is to help other Real Estate Agents Build, Grow and Scale their business with intentional and strategic systems to double or triple their sales all by working less hours and less frustration. If you are a Real Estate Agent and feel like you are a hamster in a wheel. Working long hours and getting minimal or the same results my classes are for you! I have been there and spent years of stagnant growth. I finally figured out a way after many years of trial and error of how to generate massive amounts of sales in Real Estate and I am here to show you how you can do it too. My goal in every class that I teach is to show you how to Double or Triple your sales in less than one year while living a life by design and not by default. Life is short! Make the Money to Take the Trips, Buy The Shoes, Buy the Cars, Invest in Real Estate, Make Passive income to live a life by design and not by default. I’m excited to help you! I will see you in the class!

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